that doesnt make you go threw all that work jsut coupons sent to youWhere can I get coupons and samples?
Like the other person said, go to the different companies' websites and sign up for their promotional programs. Enfamil and Carnation (Nestle) Good Start both have programs that send you really good coupons (up to $11 off) as well as free formula, diaper bags and stuff. Pampers and Huggies both send you great coupons and free samples. Johnson and Johnson will also send you coupons for their baby products. Register for your baby shower (even if you're not having one) at Target and make sure you put your due date and address in correctly. They will also send you store coupons - which you can use WITH manufacturer coupons. So they'll send you a coupon for $2 off Huggies diapers and Huggies will send you a coupon for $2 off and then they will be on sale one week - so you end up getting them for half off or less.
I also signed up my mom and grandmother for all the same coupons I signed up for - even though you aren't really supposed to do that, it saved me a ton of money on formula and diapers.
Ask any good friends or relatives who get the newspaper to clip baby related coupons for you. My mom and grandmother both clip those and at least once a month I get coupons for $1 to $3 off diapers, wipes, baby shampoo, bath soap and diaper rash cream.
When you go to your doctor's office ask if they have any coupons or freebies, they usually do (they usually give them to you without asking, but if they don't - ask). Same with the hospital when you have the baby. Ask for coupons and samples, and most will give you a diaper bag from either Enfamil or Carnation that has coupons, samples and a container of formula. I got tons of coupons for formula and diapers and coupons with samples of diaper rash ointment, Lanolin (breast feeding) ointment, baby shampoo and lotion and other stuff.
I have also bought coupons on Ebay. I know that sounds cheesy, but I paid between $0.50 and $2 for a large envelope of coupons that saved me $10 to $20. Some people sell packages of just baby coupons (those usually cost more) and some sell packages with grocery and baby coupons mixed together, you just have to be careful to read carefully which coupons are included and how much they are for and make sure it will be well worth it to purchase them.Where can I get coupons and samples?
For what? Formula and diapers? gives you samples and,, all give you coupons in the mail and samples.
I have a really good tip..
All new mothers go to and whta they do is they give you free booklets and stuff like a baby book about your baby's development.
you can also sign up on all the formula companie's website to get coupons off thier formula, but you can use store brand formula too, because it's mostly the same.
and you canl also go on and sign up there
formula coupons
The best website to look for coupons and samples is
Just start with a search term like ';coupons and samples';.
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