Monday, November 21, 2011

Does anyone know where u can get free samples of baby formula coupons and diapers ??

Does anyone know where u can get free samples of baby formula coupons and diapers ??Does anyone know where u can get free samples of baby formula coupons and diapers ??
Sure, just go to the specific websites and apply for their free samples! They usually arrive within 4wks. I know Pampers, Huggies, Similac, Enfamil and Goodstart all give them out!! Best part is after you get the samples, they start sending you coupons and checks in the mail to use toward their products!鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Does anyone know where u can get free samples of baby formula coupons and diapers ??
walmart has samples of huggies right now on there web page then theres this web site i go to it's called there is a forum for free stuff you can find free baby stuff often

Choose 1 formula site and stick with that brand. Switching between brands can make your baby sick. If you can't breastfeed, I recommend Nestle's Good Start. Nestle's was the first (my husbands GREAT AUNT, who is in her 70's was on it). My son had gastrointestinal reflux of prematurity, and this was much easier for him to digest (I had problems with breast feeding due to his being premature). Similac made him spit up, and Enfamil made him constipated. Almost no trouble with the Nestle's though.

Also, sign up at for free advice. It's a great site.
write each company that you would use their products and they will mail them to you!!
go to the brand name websites
look at the pediatrics office for those magazines- the coupon cards are usually inside for free stuff. You can also google online for free baby stuff and sign up for the baby registries at various baby stores. The hospital may also have samples for you to take.

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