Friday, August 20, 2010

Attention Target Employees!!!! Can you use coupons with your target associate discount?

My bf works at target so we get his 10% discount if we pay cash, which we do. Can i do the clipping coupons thing and then still use them with his associate discount? or does that count as multiple or combined discounts or something?Attention Target Employees!!!! Can you use coupons with your target associate discount?
Are you talking about coupons from Target, or coupons from manufacturers - the kind that you clip out of the Sunday paper? You probably cannot use Target coupons with the employee discount. But you can probably use manufacturer coupons from the paper.Attention Target Employees!!!! Can you use coupons with your target associate discount?
You can use one Target coupon and one manufacturer coupon per item and use the discount.

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